5Costly Mistakes Sellers Make When Pricing A House For Sale 


Are you ready to sell or rent your house? Are you ready to sell yourhouse and make a big profit? Or to finance your dream home? These costly errors can be made when pricing your house forsale. 

1. Your house should be priced higher thancomparable homes in the area 

Buyers are looking for the best value for their money. If your home is not uniqueand state-of the-art, selling it at the highest possible price will result infewer buyers. 

2. You can save money by not paying attentionto aesthetics 

To increase curb appeal, spend a little more. You can rent storageon-site for clutter or treasures that make your home feel cramped. Paint the walls in neutral colors. These strategies will allow visitors to see your home astheir own. 

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3. Neglecting maintenance and repairs 

Prospective buyers will mentally subtract from the askingprice for every flaw. Prospective buyers also assume that you have not addressedother issues in the future. 

4. It is assumed that what you love and whatyou have invested in the property will be the same value to a buyer 

Your house does not have to be worth more just because ithas a pool and hardscaping. These are liabilities if the buyer doesn't want to maintaina pool or wants to be free from bugs and climate control. 

5. Set a price that is non-negotiable 

Accept all offers. Trust your realtor's knowledge and expertise when evaluatingoffers and making counter-offers. Behonest in your negotiations 

Set your price at the same level as the asking price ofsimilar homes in your area to get the best house price. Make the house welcomingand ready for you to move in. Open-mindednessabout the values of potential buyers is important. You should be willing and able to negotiate.